June 11, 2008

Peony Beauty

If you are looking for a perennial beauty that you can enjoy for many years, a Peony flower is definitely a stunning alternative for your garden. Peonies come in several colors like bright pink, maroon red, white, etc. Their delicate soft petals that resemble rose petals. Sometimes, at first glance, Peony flowers look like huge rose flowers, but when you examine a Peony plant closely, Peony normally dont have torns in the stem, its bud looks like a green ball, the leaves are noticably different shape compare to a rose, and the flower may look like a rose at a glance but they have their own shape and unique characteristics. A Peony plant usually grow into a shrub and produce multiple flowers that usually bloom in late spring or early summer.

Written and Photography by Jazevox. All rights reserved.

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