November 14, 2008

A Palm Tree Creativity

We went to Fountains At Roseville here in northern CA and noticed how well they maintained their palm trees there. I truly admire and so amazed how well they put extra thought and creativity in trimming the dead leaves and branches off these trees and making them look like a bowl or a basket or a work of art!

At first glanced, i thought it was a fake plant, but then its not. Just a well-taken care live plant, receiving great deal of maintenace and attention. Ive seen a lot of palm trees my whole life, many are not well trimmed in comparison to these ones, well-manicured.

So if you happen to visit Fountains At Roseville, dont forget to look up and take notice of the palm trees, i personally think they are done very neatly.

Written and Photography by Jazevox. All rights reserved.

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