Canna Lily is a flowering tropical plant that originates from the tropics but are also popularly grown in several different countries not only in the tropical islands but also in Europian countries, as well as United States of America. Canna Lilies have giant attractive foliage and bright colorful flowers which make this plant an easy choice for landscaping and favorite among many gardeners because they grow back year after year, and they are pretty. There are wide variety of Canna Lilies available out there, some have plain green leaves, while others have colorful stripe patterns in their foliage. The widely popular and available colors of Canna Lilies are the red, orange, and yellow, or a combination of these colors.

If you look closely at the flower itself they are oddly shape, but looks beautiful at the same time. From a distance its easy to notice the medium size flowers of Canna Lilies blooming beautifully because of their color and the bountiful big constrasting leaves surrounding the flowers, highlighting the flowers even more. And because of their bright attrative colors, they are great attractors of hummingbirds. So if you love to invite hummingbird in your yard, you might want to plant some of the red Canna Lilies because they are widely attracted to color red for food.

Canna Lilies grow from rhizomes, which is a form of an underground stems. When you buy Canna Lilies from the store for gardening, a lot of them are packed and sold in this manner, rhizome forms. Although, you can buy an already growing plant, in which all you need to do is transplant for instant gratification, buying it in a plant form rather than in a rhizome form is usually a lot more expensive. Buying it in a plant form with leaves and stems on it already is a lot more expenseive because basically all you have to do is transplant it in the ground or planter, and wait for the flowers to bloom, considering that you do water and occassionally fertilize them too. One thing to remember, if you ever buy them in rhizome forms you need to make sure that you remember where you actually plant them so that you can tend and water them while they are buried below ground because planting with rhizomes means you will plant them below the ground and nothing will be visible until they started to grow stems, leaves, and come out of the ground.

Once planted and they mature as a plant in your yard, they can grow as tall as 4 to 6 feet in height which will definitely make a huge presence in your yard. They can grow tall and multiply wide which is great for landscaping a big plain yard. Being planted at the right climate, and given right care and maintenace it might need, they can come back year after year and naturally they can multiply from underground through its rhizomes. Each following year, you will notice that they cover more ground. The more years you have the plant, it can multiply from below and grow more plants from it.

The good news is, you do not have to dig the rhizomes below to plant more Canna Lilies in other parts of your yard or garden. If you have not heard already, you can actually grow Canna Lilies from their seeds too. In a natural cycle without you taking the effort and initiative to grow them from their seeds, the Canna Lilies can still multiply from seeds but it could take years for these seeds to germinate and grow because it has a very hard outer shell that will be hard to break in a natural environment. But with some techniques available to grow Canna Lilies from seeds, you can fast forward the cycle and easily grow these magnifienct flowers from its seeds rather than wait for nature to break the seed hard shell which could possibly take several years before they do.
Here is a video clip of growing Canna Lily from seeds. This video is your getway to speed up the multiplication process of your Canna Lily from its seeds, without waiting for nature to let it grow naturally:
This video will show you where you can find the Canna Lily seeds or where you can locate them from the flowers:
I hope that you learned somethings new about Canna Lilies today, whether you have an existing plant, or wanting to have one. Thank you for visiting Gardeners Land website today. We will be sharing more posts about flower, fruit, plants and gardenings, so please feel free to subscribe in our YouTube channel for more
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Glad your blog because it is exactly what I was looking for, and we read all the posts. I look forward to another great article from you.
Nice flowers i love gardening.. Thanks for sharing..
Nice Post... beautiful flowers.. Loveable..
Thanks for sharing..
thank you and hope to see you around :-)
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