March 19, 2008

Spring Delight Crocuses

If you have several different variety of flowers in your yard, you will surely notice that the first few flowers that will come out and bloom after winter time are your crocuses, if you have crocus planted in your yard. Crocuses are definitely early spring bloomers, sometimes they flowers around first week of March, even before the actual spring date!

Crocus flowers come in different color varieties like white, purple, pink, and even multi-colored stripes of purple and white. Crocus flowers comes from bulbs, which you can abundantly buy during fall season. And when planted during the fall season, you can usually expect the Crocuses to flower and bloom at spring time that follow.

Mature crocus flowers only measures around 4 to 5 inches in height, so they are perfect as bed flowers or as borders. If you use crocus in combination with other flower plants to create a garden oasis, it would be best to have the crocus in front or in the outer part of the garden because of their short heights, and you dont want to burry these beautiful blooms.

The great thing about crocus is that they grow back year after year, if the bulbs are properly keep safe and well-mulched to get protected through the winter times. Over time, more and more crocuses will come out in your yard because the bulbs multiply as years pass by.

Written and Photography by Jazevox. All rights reserved.


Joy0z said... have you been Jaze? Hope to see you again in my page. Drop my entrecard to.

Anonymous said...

hello! just stopping by to greet you happy!

Joy0z said...

Happy Easter Jaze. I'm glad you're back visiting my blog

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